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Close-ups by SM Tham
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SM Tham
MM Chinese New Year cards
SM Tham
blunt and sharp, red and green
SM Tham
smooth and rough, soft and hard
SM Tham
the seashell
SM Tham
treasures from the land and the sea
SM Tham
the murex and the cowrie
SM Tham
strange terrain
SM Tham
the abalone is not alone
SM Tham
oranges and purples from the sea
SM Tham
the spirals of my mind
SM Tham
hairy tropical fruit
SM Tham
SM Tham
exotic hairy fruit
SM Tham
a water lily
SM Tham
in its full glory
SM Tham
stars in Christmas stamps
SM Tham
car lamp
SM Tham
in the hall of mirrors
SM Tham
S is for Snuff bottles
SM Tham
brittle, sharp and poisonous
SM Tham
the fruitbowl, the gecko and the keys
SM Tham
a row of Dutch townhouses
SM Tham
mysterious smile
SM Tham
a stitch in time....
SM Tham
like an arrowhead
SM Tham
an alien in an alien landscape
SM Tham
MM Fill the Frame with Food
SM Tham
paperback corner
SM Tham
I say a little prayer
SM Tham
Planet Tangerine
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