Melbourne Briscoe: Donna and Sponge
Melbourne Briscoe: Donna and Elkhorn Coral
Melbourne Briscoe: Donna and Tube Sponges
Melbourne Briscoe: Fish ID class
Melbourne Briscoe: Ocean Surgeonfish with Mike, Glen, Linda, and Henry
Melbourne Briscoe: French Grunt and Sergeant Major, with a tiny Sharknose Goby in-between
Melbourne Briscoe: Trumpetfish and Princess Parrotfish
Melbourne Briscoe: Balloonfish
Melbourne Briscoe: Spotted Moray
Melbourne Briscoe: Bait ball of Scad
Melbourne Briscoe: DM Mariet and Baitball
Melbourne Briscoe: Spinyhead Blennies in Symmetrical Brain Coral
Melbourne Briscoe: Reef scene under boat
Melbourne Briscoe: Reef scene with Beth
Melbourne Briscoe: Lester, as seen by a fish
Melbourne Briscoe: Porcupinefish
Melbourne Briscoe: Nurse Sharks (4) and Sharksuckers (4)
Melbourne Briscoe: Reef scene with Yellow Goatfish
Melbourne Briscoe: Reef scene with Yellow Goatfish
Melbourne Briscoe: Spotted Drums (3)
Melbourne Briscoe: Goatfish and Mojara
Melbourne Briscoe: Spotted Cleaner Shrimp on Anemone
Melbourne Briscoe: Beth entering the water
Melbourne Briscoe: Basket Stars
Melbourne Briscoe: Slender Filefish
Melbourne Briscoe: Common Hogfish (red phase)
Melbourne Briscoe: Common Hogfish (post juvenile, same fish as previous)
Melbourne Briscoe: Yellow-finned Wheeler
Melbourne Briscoe: Spiny Lobster