Melbourne Briscoe:
Divers on reef
Melbourne Briscoe:
Moon Jelly
Melbourne Briscoe:
Channel Clinging Crab
Melbourne Briscoe:
Yellowtail Parrotfish with Sharksucker (Remora)
Melbourne Briscoe:
Reef Shark
Melbourne Briscoe:
Melbourne Briscoe:
Graysby Groupers (2)
Melbourne Briscoe:
Diver and Elkhorn Coral
Melbourne Briscoe:
Mantis Shrimp
Melbourne Briscoe:
French Grunts (2) and a White Grunt (middle)
Melbourne Briscoe:
Glass (or Masked) Goby
Melbourne Briscoe:
Janet (L) and Ellie (R) surveying
Melbourne Briscoe:
Common Hogfish with Yellowhead Wrasse (6)
Melbourne Briscoe:
Spotted Eagle Ray
Melbourne Briscoe:
Melbourne Briscoe:
Diver over reef
Melbourne Briscoe:
REEF Fest banner
Melbourne Briscoe:
Bermuda Chub
Melbourne Briscoe:
Unidentified Goby
Melbourne Briscoe:
Roughhead Blenny
Melbourne Briscoe:
Juvenile Damselfish (Cocoa? Beaugregory?)
Melbourne Briscoe:
Juvenile Bluetang
Melbourne Briscoe:
Green (?) Turtle under a ledge
Melbourne Briscoe:
Neon Goby (2)
Melbourne Briscoe:
Roughhead Blenny
Melbourne Briscoe:
Diver with Elkhorn Coral
Melbourne Briscoe:
Group Pix at Wellwood Coral Restoration site