Melbourne Briscoe: Loading bags in Manila
Melbourne Briscoe: Aiyanar Resort
Melbourne Briscoe: Ornate Ghost Pipefish (pregnant)
Melbourne Briscoe: P4090841.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: P4090861.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: Ornate Goby
Melbourne Briscoe: Ornate Goby
Melbourne Briscoe: Ornate Goby
Melbourne Briscoe: P4100954.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: Faintstripe (?) Filefish
Melbourne Briscoe: P4110096.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: P4110100.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: P4110141.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: P4110143.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: Lester Knutsen shooting a seahorse
Melbourne Briscoe: Clark's Anemonefish (top left)
Melbourne Briscoe: Lee Burgard and video rig
Melbourne Briscoe: Dive Guide Bhok uses cards to show critter locations
Melbourne Briscoe: Ambon Scorpionfish - variation
Melbourne Briscoe: Iggy shooting giant seahorse
Melbourne Briscoe: Striated Frogfish (hairy variation on right)
Melbourne Briscoe: Painted (?) Frogfish
Melbourne Briscoe: Juvenile Broadclub Cuttlefish
Melbourne Briscoe: Goatfish? Juvenile?
Melbourne Briscoe: Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Melbourne Briscoe: Juvenile Striated Frogfish
Melbourne Briscoe: Saddleback Anemonefish with Cardinalfish (?)
Melbourne Briscoe: P4120084.jpg
Melbourne Briscoe: P4120085.jpg