christopher.czlapka: 89/365 Happy December the First..
christopher.czlapka: 90/365 Trees up!
christopher.czlapka: 93/365 xmas lights up
christopher.czlapka: 99/365 it's SNOWING!! Putting Xmas tree up at mum & dads house.
christopher.czlapka: Noel .. 101/365 as the next 100 begins Xmas comes ever nearer.
christopher.czlapka: 103/365 Noel the elf on the shelf..
christopher.czlapka: 104/365 My wife's birthday and Noel is being a sneaky devil and taking a sneak peak at on of her presents
christopher.czlapka: 105/365 judge jury and executioner..
christopher.czlapka: 106/365 Noel going for a ride
christopher.czlapka: 107/365 sprinkle angel
christopher.czlapka: 108/365 Spin the Bottle
christopher.czlapka: 109/365 Cyber Strip Joint
christopher.czlapka: 110/365 The Hangover
christopher.czlapka: 111/365 Just off to see Rogue one so so so excited!
christopher.czlapka: 112/365 The Czlapka Family past and present in a force ghost style like in Star Wars
christopher.czlapka: 111/365 The elf in the kitchen with the knife
christopher.czlapka: Merry Christmas to all my friends on Flickr. Love you all and hope you have a good day