frankastro: passage_ISS_20161204-b
Henry Weiland: Pleiades
kokehtz: M33_LRGB_AIP
George Probst: Smiling for the camera
Henry Weiland: First Pleiades of the season
Henry Weiland: Corona Australis
George Probst: A trip to the "human zoo"
frankastro: NGC6992-6995_EOS350d_Megrez72_13x5min-1600iso_20160709
Henry Weiland: Destroyed by Color Noise
@hipydeus: Late Night Show
@hipydeus: Sleepy Lake
@hipydeus: Mini Castle
s.arrigoni: m 65 m 66 10-11-16colorbacktermpixnoise2nikterm
kokehtz: M106 LRGB
Kathy Macpherson Baca: Return to Me
George Probst: Male great white shark
frankastro: Catalina-20160203
Salvatore Cozza: M78 versione B
Henry Weiland: More Progress...
frankastro: catalina_EOS760d-Megrez72-20160128-b
frankastro: catalina_M101_EOS760d-Megrez72-20160116
frankastro: catalina_EOS760d-Megrez72-20160116-b
Roberto Colombari: Messier 45
cfaobam: Whirlpool Galaxy - M51
frankastro: Lumiere_cendree_Megrez72-CanonEOS760d_20151018-b
Henry Weiland: Mini Crescent Nebula and Surroundings
George Probst: Who wants a hug?