Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: White-throated Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: White-throated Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: White-throated Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Swamp Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Lincoln's Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Song Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Chipping Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Lark Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Lincoln's Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Lincoln's Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: White-throated Sparrow
Marv and Sue Elliott: Spotted Towhee
Marv and Sue Elliott: Snow Bunting
Marv and Sue Elliott: Eastern Towhee
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: lots of Snow Buntings
Marv and Sue Elliott: Dark-eyed Junco
Marv and Sue Elliott: Eastern Towhee