Marv and Sue Elliott: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Common Yellowthroat
Marv and Sue Elliott: Canada Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Northern Parula
Marv and Sue Elliott: Black-throated Blue Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Canada Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Common Yellowthroat
Marv and Sue Elliott: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Prairie Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Black-throated Blue Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Mourning Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Canada Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Brewster's Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Black-and-white Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Blackpoll Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Blackpoll Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Yellow-breasted Chat
Marv and Sue Elliott: Northern Parula
Marv and Sue Elliott: Golden-winged Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Blue-winged Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Cerulean Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Magnolia Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Palm Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Prairie Warbler
Marv and Sue Elliott: Northern Parula