glen.parry8183: Djoser Step Pyramid Entrance Colonnade Papyrus Bundle Columns
glen.parry8183: Heb Sed Court Showing Areas Fenced off for Restoration
glen.parry8183: Step Pyramid South Face Showing Extent of Restoration
glen.parry8183: Clearly Visible New Masonry
glen.parry8183: Apparent Entrance not on any plan
glen.parry8183: East Face Scaffolding
glen.parry8183: Houses of the North and South
glen.parry8183: Pyramid of Userkaef appearing over North East Wall of Djoser Complex
glen.parry8183: One of Two Dyn XVIII Tourist Grafitti Temp Amun-hetep III
glen.parry8183: Second of Two Dyn XVIII Tourist Grafitti Temp Amun-hetep III
glen.parry8183: Recently Discovered Tomb shaft within Eastern Wall of Djoser Complex
glen.parry8183: Step Pyramid from the Unas Causeway