willi_bremen: BaskenLand
willi_bremen: Pottok-ponys
willi_bremen: Cave of the Witches
willi_bremen: Cave of the Witches
willi_bremen: Natur pur
willi_bremen: Hochplateau
willi_bremen: Glückliche Kuh
willi_bremen: Symbole
willi_bremen: Basque Mountains
willi_bremen: Berghütte
willi_bremen: Biskaya
willi_bremen: Basque coast
willi_bremen: vineyards
willi_bremen: Basque landscape
willi_bremen: Basque Mountains
willi_bremen: Faro de Santa Catalina
willi_bremen: Basque landscape
willi_bremen: Baskenland
willi_bremen: Basque coast
willi_bremen: Santa Klaras lighthouse
willi_bremen: Basque landscape
willi_bremen: Symbole....
willi_bremen: Sendero
willi_bremen: Stieleiche
willi_bremen: Baztan Tal
willi_bremen: Cave Zugarramurdi