robelsas: Windmill in spring 1
robelsas: Turn, turn, turn
robelsas: Windmill at 6 below zero
robelsas: Windmill 'Windotter', IJsselstein, The Netherlands 1
robelsas: The river 'Hollandse IJssel' in winter
robelsas: Stokstraat, Maastricht, The Netherlands
robelsas: It's Thrush Day! (part 3)
robelsas: Starling in the sun
robelsas: A Starling's dream: a world full of food
robelsas: Starling in the rain
robelsas: Robin catching some winter sun
robelsas: Lovey dovey...
robelsas: Eurasian Jay / Gaai
robelsas: Eurasian Jay / Gaai
robelsas: European Red Squirrel / Rode eekhoorn
robelsas: Starling with new hairdo
robelsas: Chaffinch / Vink
robelsas: Small but brave
robelsas: All alone in snow and cold
robelsas: Great tit / Koolmees
robelsas: Fly!
robelsas: Shy...
robelsas: Vertigo
robelsas: Great tit in distress? / Koolmees in nood?
robelsas: Blue Tit / Pimpelmees
robelsas: In your face!
robelsas: Small but brave 2
robelsas: Loerik sleepyhead
robelsas: Daylily 'Little Business' (Hemerocallis)