robelsas: The day the fog froze
robelsas: Mill and willows in bitter cold
robelsas: Skating in the park
robelsas: The river 'Hollandse IJssel' in winter
robelsas: Pollard-willows in winter
robelsas: Finally ice in the park. Every Dutchman happy.
robelsas: Windmill at 6 below zero
robelsas: Who is the prettiest willow in the land?
robelsas: Willows all in a row
robelsas: Willows everywhere
robelsas: Cold!!!
robelsas: Willows in snow/ Knotwilgen in de sneeuw 0428
robelsas: Windmill in winter / Wintermolen 0433
robelsas: Snow! / Sneeuw! 0448
robelsas: Trees and snow / Bomen en sneeuw 0452
robelsas: Lots of snow ... 0479