venmathisindhuja: Traditional wearing's
venmathisindhuja: A very old transgender
venmathisindhuja: Offering's to god at koovagam
venmathisindhuja: Offering's to god at koovagam
venmathisindhuja: Hands above the head for the blessings of god
venmathisindhuja: As a sign of widow
venmathisindhuja: Breaking of bangles after kuuthandavar's death
venmathisindhuja: Removal of kapu
venmathisindhuja: Thali is the wedded sign of women
venmathisindhuja: Removal of Thali
venmathisindhuja: Removal of Thali
venmathisindhuja: Removal of Thali
venmathisindhuja: A transgender in the form of widow