Barry the artist from........:
first stop the cafe
Barry the artist from........:
second stop the play area
Barry the artist from........:
happy grandkids
Barry the artist from........:
serious sister watching
Barry the artist from........:
walk down to valley
Barry the artist from........:
why park a van there
Barry the artist from........:
thats better
Barry the artist from........:
quick it might fall
Barry the artist from........:
where do all these people come from
Barry the artist from........:
no one in sight
Barry the artist from........:
stream view
Barry the artist from........:
same stream other way
Barry the artist from........:
closer view
Barry the artist from........:
stream feeder
Barry the artist from........:
closer still
Barry the artist from........:
they keep following me
Barry the artist from........:
hidden gem
Barry the artist from........:
super model
Barry the artist from........:
underneath the arches
Barry the artist from........:
central pillars
Barry the artist from........:
spot the follower
Barry the artist from........:
same stream around the corner
Barry the artist from........:
same stream other way
Barry the artist from........:
lost them
Barry the artist from........:
snow drops
Barry the artist from........:
little viaduct
Barry the artist from........:
looking at tower through ruins
Barry the artist from........:
down stream
Barry the artist from........:
tower through ruins
Barry the artist from........:
little poser