Inertia: [ i n v a s i o n . o f . p r i v a c y ]
Inertia: 〔 w h e n i w a k e u p 〕
Inertia: 〔 ★ 〕
Inertia: 〔. s e a s a l t e d 〕
Inertia: 〔 ★ 〕
Inertia: 〔. b u x u s 〕
Inertia: 〔. f i c t i o n 〕
Inertia: Home is...Neverfar.
Inertia: 〔 . f r e e b i r d . 〕
Inertia: 〔 .g i m b o r n 〕
Inertia: 〔 t r u t h. a b o u t. u s 〕
Inertia: .this is the place i feel at home
Inertia: .summer come quickly
Inertia: .no matter how cold the winter maybe,find warmth in kind hearts
Inertia: .adopt the pace of nature,her secret is patience
Inertia: .feed your soul
Inertia: .good things always come to those with the purest of intentions
Inertia: .sugar rhyme
Inertia: .Spring has returned.The Earth is like a child that knows poems
Inertia: .without authenticity, you are only a poor imitation of someone else.Be a masterpiece,not a copy.
Inertia: .stay close to people who feel like sunlight
Inertia: .the smell of a brand new day
Inertia: .almost there
Inertia: .outshine the sun
Inertia: .Neverfar re-opens
Inertia: .feel a tiny raindrop trickle down from the sky and land upon your cheek