crafts_council: Wheaton #1, 2011, Vanessa Cutler. Arcady (detail), 2007, Edmund de Waal. Crafts Council Collection P489. Photo: Todd-White Art Photography
crafts_council: In praise of shadows, 2013, Ute Decker. Photo Ute Decker (on white)
crafts_council: In praise of shadows, 2013, Ute Decker. Photo: Ute Decker (on black)
crafts_council: Articulation, 2013, Ute Decker. Photo: Ute Decker
crafts_council: Articulation, 2013, Ute Decker. Photo: Ute Decker
crafts_council: Articulation, 2013, Ute Decker. Photo: Ute Decker
crafts_council: Paleys upon Pilers, 2012, Studio Weave. Photo: Studio Weave
crafts_council: Paleys upon Pilers (detail), 2012, Studio Weave. Photo: Studio Weave
crafts_council: Screw-top leg stool, 2013, Simon Jones
crafts_council: Arcady, 2007, Edmund de Waal. Crafts Council Collection P489. Photo:Todd-White Art Photography
crafts_council: Arcady (detail), 2007, Edmund de Waal. Crafts Council Collection P489. Photo: Todd-White Art Photography
crafts_council: The Thread Wrapping Machine Anton Alvarez. Photo: Märta Thisner
crafts_council: MeMeTotem, 2013, Adam Nathaniel Furman. Photo Adam Nathaniel Furman
crafts_council: 56 Artillery Lane, Spitalfields, London, date unknown. Photo: London Metropolitan Archive