hira_sail: 100 years clock in the Fukui City
hira_sail: T-Rex in front of Fukui Station
hira_sail: Fukuiraptor welcome
hira_sail: 水田とヤコブの梯子
hira_sail: the Map of the Fukui City Central Wholesale Market
hira_sail: Kitatei's Kaisen-don (seafood bowl) 喜多亭の海鮮丼
hira_sail: Dinosaur welcome in the Matsuoka station
hira_sail: Mountains in the Ryohaku Mountains 両白山地の山々
hira_sail: View in front of Echizen Railway
hira_sail: Ryohaku Mountains and paddy field
hira_sail: Clouds rise from the valley of the Ryohaku Mountains
hira_sail: Kuzuryu River 九頭竜川
hira_sail: 勝山ていら Teira Katsuyama
hira_sail: Sweets counter at Katsuyama Station
hira_sail: dinosaurs in front of Katsuyama Station
hira_sail: Koinobori over the Kuzuryu River 九頭竜川のこいのぼり
hira_sail: Rainbow saur in front of the Fukui Prefecture Dinosaur Museum 恐竜博物館前のレインボーザウルス
hira_sail: the Entrance of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
hira_sail: フクイラプトル号
hira_sail: Beware of the appearance of Fukuiraptor
hira_sail: Site of the fourth excavation
hira_sail: Until dinosaur fossils are found
hira_sail: Dinosaur Tower
hira_sail: 谷間の雲 Clouds in the valley