hira_sail: 福岡江川の「湧水」 Fountain of the Fukuoka-E R.
hira_sail: Fukuoka e-gawa Fountains
hira_sail: Fukuoka e-gawa fountains
hira_sail: Fukuoka e-gawa fountains
hira_sail: Hachiman Shrine
hira_sail: Itsukushima Shrine
hira_sail: Suitengu Shrine 水天宮
hira_sail: Bus Stop Suitengu mae
hira_sail: Itsukushima Shrine
hira_sail: IMGP4832
hira_sail: Pond of the Ooi Shimizu Ben-zai-ten 大井清水弁財天の池
hira_sail: 大井清水弁財天
hira_sail: IMG20220319134847
hira_sail: Ooi Shimizu Ben-zai-ten Explaination board
hira_sail: IMG20220319135022
hira_sail: Upstream end of the Ooi Shimizu Ben-zai-ten pond
hira_sail: IMG20220319135415
hira_sail: IMG20220319135421
hira_sail: 砂川堀合流点 one of the merge of the Sunagawabori R.
hira_sail: River Tunnel
hira_sail: the Road above the river tunnel
hira_sail: 大井戸跡 Ruins of a large well
hira_sail: IMG20220319140830
hira_sail: IMG20220319140842
hira_sail: Explaination board of the Ruins of a large well
hira_sail: Undergound road avobe the river tunnel
hira_sail: IMG20220319141637
hira_sail: IMG20220319141701
hira_sail: IMGP4839
hira_sail: IMG20220319142910