hira_sail: さかい川下流の暗渠 Underground water way at the downstream of the Sakai River
hira_sail: 勝瀬の暗渠 downstream of the Sakai River
hira_sail: 勝瀬ミニパークのシンボル君 Symbol of Katsuse mini park
hira_sail: 勝瀬ミニパーク Katsuse miniature park
hira_sail: 旭橋の名残 Remnants of Asahi Bridge
hira_sail: さかい川源流暗渠 Underground waterway near the River head of the Sakai River
hira_sail: さかい川源流窪地 Sakai River headwaters depression
hira_sail: さかい川源流暗渠 Underground waterway of the headwater of the Sakai River
hira_sail: Symbol of Naeba east park 苗間西公園のシンボルさん
hira_sail: Leeves in the sunlight
hira_sail: Red leeves
hira_sail: 赤い葉と赤い実 Red leaves and red berries
hira_sail: Flowering Dogwood 2
hira_sail: Red berries
hira_sail: berries of flowering dogwood
hira_sail: Stature of squarrel
hira_sail: Statue of squarrel リスの像
hira_sail: Red berries 2
hira_sail: リスの像 Statue of squarrel
hira_sail: 秋の公園 Park of autumn
hira_sail: Park of autumn 秋の公園