rikstacket: All together in the world Ulla Kjellberg
rikstacket: Gränsen mellan dag och natt Zeljka Celegin
rikstacket: Quiltfriends Annette Näslund
rikstacket: Between Town and Contry Patricia Van Walree Visser
rikstacket: Honky Dory #3 Anita Fors
rikstacket: Borders Simone Steuxner
rikstacket: Breking Bounderies Rae Johansson
rikstacket: Quilting has nor bounderies Gunilla Appelgren
rikstacket: Morning has broken Britt-Inger Jönsson
rikstacket: Differnt but still equal Mona Seglert
rikstacket: Garden Fence Gunnel Wright