rikstacket: The Piano Player Lena Johansson
rikstacket: Love Music Rae Johansson
rikstacket: His Masters Voice Hillevi L Rantzén
rikstacket: Jazz Eva Nelander Juntunen
rikstacket: Frogs in a Pond Gun Lundin
rikstacket: What would life be without music Annette Näslund
rikstacket: The Choir Gullvi Wikström
rikstacket: Orchestra Pit Gun Appelgren
rikstacket: Major/ Minor Gullvi Wickström
rikstacket: The Thievish Magpie Ann-Margret Wallner
rikstacket: My Musical House Angelica Backman
rikstacket: A Neighbour Playes Blues Elisabeth Hagman
rikstacket: Sing Out Gunilla Appelgren
rikstacket: Jazz it Zeijka Celegin
rikstacket: It´s a Bird´s Song Simone Steuxner
rikstacket: G Clef Birgitta Lundgren