Stu.Elsom: Paraiso Quetzal Lodge in the fog 7676
Stu.Elsom: Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher 6891
Stu.Elsom: Black-billed Nightingale Thrush 6497
Stu.Elsom: Paraiso Quetzal Lodge in the fog 7677
Stu.Elsom: Yellow-thighed Finch 7061
Stu.Elsom: Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher 6900
Stu.Elsom: Black-billed Nightingale Thrush 6502
Stu.Elsom: Juv Southern Lapwing 6225
Stu.Elsom: Yellow-thighed Finch 7093
Stu.Elsom: White-throated Mountaingem 6930
Stu.Elsom: Hoffman's Woodpecker 6232
Stu.Elsom: Violet-headed Hummingbird 5974
Stu.Elsom: Dawn from Rancho 7654
Stu.Elsom: Collared Redstart 6954
Stu.Elsom: Northern Jacana 6250
Stu.Elsom: Slaty Flowerpiercer 6982
Stu.Elsom: Large-footed Finch 6504
Stu.Elsom: Boat-billed Heron 6258
Stu.Elsom: View from Capon 7663
Stu.Elsom: Large-footed Finch 6512
Stu.Elsom: Flame-colored Tanager 7017
Stu.Elsom: Northern Jacana 6262
Stu.Elsom: Montezuma's Oropendola 5756
Stu.Elsom: Black and Yellow Silky Flycatcher 6536
Stu.Elsom: Flame-colored Tanager 7023
Stu.Elsom: Northern Jacana 6272
Stu.Elsom: Bay-breasted Warbler 5812
Stu.Elsom: Yellow-thighed Finch 7032
Stu.Elsom: Northern Jacana 6279
Stu.Elsom: Wilson's Warbler 6551