Stu.Elsom: Black and white Owl 9754
Stu.Elsom: Black-cheeked Woodpecker 8973
Stu.Elsom: Coati 9740
Stu.Elsom: Great Potoo 9361
Stu.Elsom: Green Honeycreeper 8981
Stu.Elsom: Bicoloured Antbird 9430
Stu.Elsom: Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth 8989
Stu.Elsom: Army Ant swarm 9459
Stu.Elsom: Gartered Trogon 8998
Stu.Elsom: Morpho 9463
Stu.Elsom: Morpho 9470
Stu.Elsom: Crimson-backed Tanager 9010
Stu.Elsom: Agami Heron 9474
Stu.Elsom: Black Phoebe 9019
Stu.Elsom: Agami Heron 9481
Stu.Elsom: Lineated Woodpecker 9032
Stu.Elsom: Eastern Wood-pewee 9043
Stu.Elsom: Birding Pipeline Road 9494
Stu.Elsom: Geoffroy's Tamarind 9056
Stu.Elsom: Agami Heron 9514
Stu.Elsom: Blue Cotinga and Keel-b Toucan 9070
Stu.Elsom: Acadian Flycatcher 9573
Stu.Elsom: Blue Cotinga and Keel-b Toucan 9074
Stu.Elsom: Butterfly spp 9600
Stu.Elsom: Geoffroy's Tamarind 9084
Stu.Elsom: Green and rufous Kingfisher 9607
Stu.Elsom: Green and rufous Kingfisher 9618
Stu.Elsom: Black-breasted Puffbird 9124
Stu.Elsom: Blue Cotinga 9629
Stu.Elsom: Black-breasted Puffbird 9141