Stu.Elsom: Wilson's Snipe
Stu.Elsom: Iceland Gull 2
Stu.Elsom: Semi P Sandpiper 4
Stu.Elsom: Wilson's Snipe 2
Stu.Elsom: Semi P Sandpiper 3
Stu.Elsom: Hudsonian Whimbrels
Stu.Elsom: Semi P Sandpiper 2
Stu.Elsom: White-rumped Sandpiper
Stu.Elsom: Great Egret
Stu.Elsom: Royal, Forster's and American Black Terns
Stu.Elsom: Great Blue Heron
Stu.Elsom: White-rumped Sandpiper with American Dunlin
Stu.Elsom: Royal Tern
Stu.Elsom: Great Blue Heron 2
Stu.Elsom: White-rumped Sandpiper and Dunlin
Stu.Elsom: Royal Tern 2
Stu.Elsom: Glaucous Gull
Stu.Elsom: White-rumped Sandpiper 3
Stu.Elsom: Roseate Spoonbill
Stu.Elsom: Glaucous Gull 2
Stu.Elsom: White-rumped Sandpiper 2
Stu.Elsom: Franklin's Gull
Stu.Elsom: Roseate Spoonbill 2
Stu.Elsom: White-rumped and Least Sandpiper
Stu.Elsom: Forster's and American Black Terns
Stu.Elsom: Roosting birds on Rollover Pass
Stu.Elsom: White-faced Ibis
Stu.Elsom: Red-shouldered Hawk
Stu.Elsom: Upland Sandpiper
Stu.Elsom: Red-headed Woodpecker