geoff'sphotos: Black Tailed Godwit
Galerie-EF: Balls & other stuff
RickykcWong: My supper
Rafal Szozda: Myszołów, Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) ... 2014r - Poland
swamp birder: Caracara takeoff - 2454
Brandon birder: 104311 Black Kites performing at the Hawk Conservancy Trust
Coast Diver: Burrowing Owls (hydrant)-1358
RickykcWong: Landing - Great Egret
Brandon birder: 102810 Secretary Bird in a high speed chase. V3 and 70-300CX
Brandon birder: 103028 White backed Vulture at the Hawk Conservancy Trust V3 and 70-300CX
davidglen: DSC_2317
esimons547: RTHA-light juvinile
esimons547: RTHA-light juvinile
Chris Lue Shing: Defensive Position
Brandon birder: 90465 Fulmar Petrel in a dive at RSPB Bempton