russ3llp: Half Dome
russ3llp: Yosemite
russ3llp: Special recognition
russ3llp: Banded bedrock
russ3llp: Charcoal kilns
russ3llp: First glimpse of the depths of Death Valley
russ3llp: A second glimpse
russ3llp: High desert path
russ3llp: Shrubbery
russ3llp: Survivor
russ3llp: Prickly pears
russ3llp: Parasite
russ3llp: Greenery
russ3llp: Forest
russ3llp: The road home
russ3llp: Setting sunlight
russ3llp: Coyote 1
russ3llp: Coyote 2
russ3llp: Coyote 3
russ3llp: Coyote 4
russ3llp: Who needs a car?
russ3llp: Things do grow here
russ3llp: Eureka Mine
russ3llp: Desert-preserved mining mill
russ3llp: Agueberry Point parking lot
russ3llp: View from Agueberry Point
russ3llp: Death Valley from Agueberry Pt
russ3llp: Mosaic Canyon 1
russ3llp: Mosaic Canyon 2
russ3llp: Mosaic Canyon 3