marko.erman: Ognissanti Madonna by Giotto di Bondone (c. 1310)
marko.erman: Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci
marko.erman: Michelangelo’s Doni Madonna
marko.erman: Madonna of the Magnificat by Botticelli
marko.erman: Agnolo Gaddi : the frescoes of the Basilica Santa Croce
marko.erman: Palazzo Vecchio : Salle dei Cinquecento
marko.erman: Palazzo Medici Riccardi - Chapel of the Magi
marko.erman: The Gallery of Palazzo Riccardi
marko.erman: Donatello masterpiece in San Lorenzo
marko.erman: Duomo frescoes by Vasari
marko.erman: Upper part of the door of Florence Baptistery
marko.erman: The Cloister of the Dead, Santa Maria Novella
marko.erman: The Chapel of the Spaniards
marko.erman: Giotto’s Christus patiens
marko.erman: Michelangelo’s David
marko.erman: Francesco Salviati : Virgin and Child, Saint John and an angel
marko.erman: Gipsoteca Bartolini
marko.erman: Andrea della Robia : The Virgin and Child
marko.erman: I wasn't alone in Florence!