marko.erman: Sunrays
marko.erman: Mortemer Abbey and its lake
marko.erman: Mortemer fairytale
marko.erman: Mortemer Abbey scenery
marko.erman: Promenade
marko.erman: Dovecote of Mortemer Abbey
marko.erman: Silhouette
marko.erman: The large dwelling house
marko.erman: Ruins of the Mortemer Abbey
marko.erman: A charming little pond
marko.erman: Impressionism
marko.erman: The forest
marko.erman: A chattering seagull
marko.erman: Riding the wave
marko.erman: Étretat
marko.erman: Étretat golden hour
marko.erman: It's a busy place!
marko.erman: Changing weather
marko.erman: The rocky beach
marko.erman: Only birds
marko.erman: The golf course
marko.erman: The cliffs of Étretat
marko.erman: Manneporte (The large arch)
marko.erman: Aiguille et Porte d'Aval
marko.erman: Falaise d'Aval
marko.erman: Normandy coastline
marko.erman: Coastline
marko.erman: Spectacular cliff
marko.erman: Dramatic mood at Antifer lighthouse
marko.erman: Saint-Georges de Boscherville Abbey