J0nah: DSC01893
J0nah: row of houses...
J0nah: DSC01896
J0nah: details, details, details!
J0nah: DSC01898
J0nah: Kidrobot!!
J0nah: outside in the back
J0nah: good luck
J0nah: close up
J0nah: Golden Gate Park/ in the garden
J0nah: the trees
J0nah: stone bridge
J0nah: close up
J0nah: Sutro Bath Ruins
J0nah: the ruins
J0nah: more of the ruins
J0nah: ruins
J0nah: Paradise Grove Sculpture Garden
J0nah: close up
J0nah: differet artwork
J0nah: Plug plant!
J0nah: close up
J0nah: more plugs
J0nah: metal artwork
J0nah: this one is my favorite art piece! amazing
J0nah: close up
J0nah: ol' me
J0nah: poetry house
J0nah: love the acorn door knob