meirellesluisa: Olhos que falam... ( foto da Internete )
Lucie Bluebird-Lexington: If Cersei were a redhead
CarolienCadoni..: If I had a flower for every time you made me smile and laugh, I’d have a garden to walk in forever…
adrians_art: Dawn Flight
Ian@NZFlickr: Pink dusk
adrians_art: Synchronized Swimming
Martha MGR: solar Angel and the Cross
J.NADIA: Another sunset from Lebanon
Pilar Azaña Talán : Urquhart Castle
andywon: Flow Along
VIRGINIEVVB: la charette
Christian Wilt: Autumn in the Huelgoat forest
chrischri007: Isabelle
M. Kafka: Leonie pt. IV
MargoLuc: ..with a Spring inspiration ...
leendert3: Bambi
Sandro Bisaro: Kirkjufell
Ipoenk Graphic: F i s h e r m a n
shalabh_sharma7: Palouse falls
Sean Archer: Valeria
Sònia CM: Purple&Blue