_NMcC_: ''The three''
_NMcC_: ''The long desolate road''
_NMcC_: Dusty
_NMcC_: ''Morning dew''
_NMcC_: ''The rolling river''
_NMcC_: ''Far/Blue shot''
_NMcC_: 'look beyond'
_NMcC_: ''The 7th Grey''
_NMcC_: ''Chaos meets mystery''
_NMcC_: ''Connected by order''
_NMcC_: I love magic
_NMcC_: Winter Sunshine - Lagan Meadows, Belfast
_NMcC_: The Dawn
_NMcC_: Revealing of the three
_NMcC_: Silent oblivion
_NMcC_: The white stuff
_NMcC_: ''The golden arches''
_NMcC_: Endurance
_NMcC_: The solitude of winter
_NMcC_: Time to reflect
_NMcC_: Take a break
_NMcC_: Land of the lollipops/Belfast@night 1
_NMcC_: The Gobbins
_NMcC_: Governor's/Belfast@night 2
_NMcC_: Elmwood at night
_NMcC_: Cold morning in Botanic