GP Camera: Sotto il pergolato
GP Camera: Pungente
GP Camera: Compagne di viaggio
GP Camera: The end
GP Camera: La foglia screziata
GP Camera: Radial
GP Camera: Softly
GP Camera: Luci e ombre nel sottobosco
GP Camera: The sculpture
GP Camera: Ricordo d'estate
GP Camera: Wooden snake
GP Camera: Radice
GP Camera: Orpelli di rovo
GP Camera: Autumn simphony
GP Camera: Woodland's solitude
GP Camera: Flying fish
GP Camera: The sting
GP Camera: Three on tree
GP Camera: Absolute red
GP Camera: Autumn leaves
GP Camera: Cotton clouds
GP Camera: The only colors
GP Camera: Relic
GP Camera: A moment of beauty
GP Camera: The first ice
GP Camera: Slaves of shadow
GP Camera: Heavenly berries
GP Camera: November
GP Camera: Dal profondo
GP Camera: Gambe all'aria