DoctoredbyNancy: brilliant beauty
DoctoredbyNancy: hot blooded male!
DoctoredbyNancy: fattening up
DoctoredbyNancy: soft female colours
DoctoredbyNancy: female belted kingfisher
DoctoredbyNancy: home sweet home
DoctoredbyNancy: mink on the move
DoctoredbyNancy: mink with fish
DoctoredbyNancy: My favourite bird when I was a child
DoctoredbyNancy: female resting on top
DoctoredbyNancy: enjoying the rain shower
DoctoredbyNancy: bird on a wire
DoctoredbyNancy: belted female
DoctoredbyNancy: My first golden eagle (will be striving for a better image)!
DoctoredbyNancy: Poised yellow-rumped warbler (Myrtle)
DoctoredbyNancy: Guess who's back in town?
DoctoredbyNancy: Ruby-crowned kinglet
DoctoredbyNancy: Eastern Phoebe
DoctoredbyNancy: Blue-gray gnatcatcher
DoctoredbyNancy: balance beam
DoctoredbyNancy: lovely light
DoctoredbyNancy: Yellow-rumped warbler (Myrtle) with snack
DoctoredbyNancy: Cheerful house wren
DoctoredbyNancy: Male tree swallow staring me down
DoctoredbyNancy: female just chillin"
DoctoredbyNancy: Palm warbler
DoctoredbyNancy: Just follow me
DoctoredbyNancy: Early morning light
DoctoredbyNancy: new growth
DoctoredbyNancy: My first Eastern towhee (who got away too quickly)!