DoctoredbyNancy: Back to the present : Winter wren
DoctoredbyNancy: spider for lunch
DoctoredbyNancy: flying bits
DoctoredbyNancy: male long-tailed in the bridge's reflection
DoctoredbyNancy: perfect profile
DoctoredbyNancy: beak to beak
DoctoredbyNancy: kissing pintails
DoctoredbyNancy: Merganser in a Monet painting
DoctoredbyNancy: graceful landing
DoctoredbyNancy: Swan Lake
DoctoredbyNancy: three heads are better than one
DoctoredbyNancy: juvenile trumpeter
DoctoredbyNancy: crisp day
DoctoredbyNancy: standing tall
DoctoredbyNancy: Trying out my new mirrorless camera... a composition of mallards in flight!
DoctoredbyNancy: Juvenile bald eagle calling out
DoctoredbyNancy: Keeping those talons clean!
DoctoredbyNancy: Between the branches
DoctoredbyNancy: The sound of spring (dark-eyed junco, Oregon type)
DoctoredbyNancy: Golden-crowned sparrow seen in Vancouver
DoctoredbyNancy: Song sparrow
DoctoredbyNancy: busy bushtit
DoctoredbyNancy: neighbourhood watch
DoctoredbyNancy: chickadee
DoctoredbyNancy: male house finch
DoctoredbyNancy: pair of red-shafted flickers (male has the red moustache)
DoctoredbyNancy: pine siskin
DoctoredbyNancy: song sparrow
DoctoredbyNancy: It's cherry blossom season!
DoctoredbyNancy: colourful Anna's hummingbird