DoctoredbyNancy: taking a rest while nest building
DoctoredbyNancy: male flicker
DoctoredbyNancy: Finally! A belted kingfisher stood still long enough for me. :)
DoctoredbyNancy: catbird in dense thicket
DoctoredbyNancy: goldfinch in the thistledown
DoctoredbyNancy: calling out to his mate
DoctoredbyNancy: Canadian sadhu
DoctoredbyNancy: big blue
DoctoredbyNancy: Winter wren, in the summer
DoctoredbyNancy: mating bullfrogs
DoctoredbyNancy: repeated effort seems to be required!
DoctoredbyNancy: Caspian tern
DoctoredbyNancy: Orange sulphur butterfly
DoctoredbyNancy: Viceroy (smaller than the Monarch)
DoctoredbyNancy: Red-spotted Purple
DoctoredbyNancy: Red Admiral butterfly
DoctoredbyNancy: always on the prowl
DoctoredbyNancy: Yellow warbler
DoctoredbyNancy: garter snake
DoctoredbyNancy: Eastern Wood Pewee
DoctoredbyNancy: lazy days of summer
DoctoredbyNancy: Not many birds around in the heat of summer
DoctoredbyNancy: sittin' on top of the world
DoctoredbyNancy: mid-molt
DoctoredbyNancy: A rose is a rose
DoctoredbyNancy: My kind of street art!
DoctoredbyNancy: False Creek, Vancouver
DoctoredbyNancy: Do NOT feed the birds!