DoctoredbyNancy: lots of red tailed hawks in my new neighbourhood!
DoctoredbyNancy: red tailed hawk
DoctoredbyNancy: pretty pollinator
DoctoredbyNancy: fall colours
DoctoredbyNancy: juvenile cedar waxwing
DoctoredbyNancy: palm warbler
DoctoredbyNancy: a little blue in all that red
DoctoredbyNancy: blue jay heaven
DoctoredbyNancy: well hidden
DoctoredbyNancy: not aware of my presence (I think)
DoctoredbyNancy: beautiful blue
DoctoredbyNancy: wetland at Kortright
DoctoredbyNancy: snacking
DoctoredbyNancy: well hidden
DoctoredbyNancy: Horned Saanen goat
DoctoredbyNancy: in pursuit
DoctoredbyNancy: garden snail (helix aspersa)
DoctoredbyNancy: Red-legged grasshopper
DoctoredbyNancy: leaf hopping
DoctoredbyNancy: Black-Legged Meadow Katydid
DoctoredbyNancy: In search of Nelson's Sparrow (seen in the area)... I found a brown creeper
DoctoredbyNancy: ... and a field sparrow
DoctoredbyNancy: ... and a lovely song sparrow!
DoctoredbyNancy: juvenile bald eagle (never saw one in Ottawa!)
DoctoredbyNancy: eagle eye, indeed!
DoctoredbyNancy: egret overhead
DoctoredbyNancy: Yellow-rumped warbler