DoctoredbyNancy: out on a limb
DoctoredbyNancy: really small green heron
DoctoredbyNancy: yellow legs
DoctoredbyNancy: low hanging fruit
DoctoredbyNancy: Early morning activity
DoctoredbyNancy: Back & forth over the pond
DoctoredbyNancy: You again?
DoctoredbyNancy: stealth-like
DoctoredbyNancy: long neck
DoctoredbyNancy: lady anhinga
DoctoredbyNancy: hairy woodpecker
DoctoredbyNancy: BCNH in morning light
DoctoredbyNancy: pine warbler
DoctoredbyNancy: the eye of a cormorant
DoctoredbyNancy: snowy checking her young
DoctoredbyNancy: beauty in flight
DoctoredbyNancy: Red-bellied woodpecker
DoctoredbyNancy: soft landing
DoctoredbyNancy: skimming the surface
DoctoredbyNancy: beautiful lady
DoctoredbyNancy: extreme yoga pose
DoctoredbyNancy: corkscrew
DoctoredbyNancy: upside down
DoctoredbyNancy: twisted sister
DoctoredbyNancy: topsy turvy
DoctoredbyNancy: jaw stretch
DoctoredbyNancy: Red-shouldered hawk, very much aware of my presence!