DoctoredbyNancy: nest building
DoctoredbyNancy: falling snow
DoctoredbyNancy: kink in her neck
DoctoredbyNancy: blue streak
DoctoredbyNancy: Great white egret
DoctoredbyNancy: gentle breeze
DoctoredbyNancy: light as a feather
DoctoredbyNancy: mid-conversation
DoctoredbyNancy: comical one
DoctoredbyNancy: Black-bellied whistling ducks overhead!
DoctoredbyNancy: Black-bellied whistling ducks
DoctoredbyNancy: So pretty!
DoctoredbyNancy: Black-bellied whistling ducks stopping for a drink
DoctoredbyNancy: Black-bellied whistling ducks stopping for a drink
DoctoredbyNancy: yet another cute green heron
DoctoredbyNancy: Yet another cute green heron
DoctoredbyNancy: on the move
DoctoredbyNancy: yet another cute green heron
DoctoredbyNancy: between the cracks
DoctoredbyNancy: Venice Rookery
DoctoredbyNancy: big blue
DoctoredbyNancy: lady anhinga
DoctoredbyNancy: Anhinga in breeding plumage (with blue ring around his eyes)
DoctoredbyNancy: Anhinga in breeding plumage
DoctoredbyNancy: Anhinga in breeding plumage
DoctoredbyNancy: Venice Rookery
DoctoredbyNancy: Venice Rookery
DoctoredbyNancy: Venice Rookery
DoctoredbyNancy: blue taking flight
DoctoredbyNancy: Venice Rookery