DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5254 she's back!
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5548 Ah, I've missed this place!
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5642 nightly ritual
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5560-2 Snowbird's delight.
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5294 camera-shy pelican
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5607-2 anhinga's red eye
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5815-2 do a liitle dance (alt)
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5405 gull eating a dead fish...
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5585-2 very alert egret watching me approach through the mangroves
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5862 I swear it's the same spoonbill...
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5772-2
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5631 big-billed ibis
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_5948 peaceful easy feeling
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6005-2 Botticelli girl
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6520 green legs of a small tricolor heron
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6404 tricolor heron
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6347 handsome devil
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6297 yellow-crowned night heron
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6542 splash #1
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6543 splash #2
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6544 splash #3
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6545 splash #4
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6239 what began as an average sunset...
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6262 became this glorious one!
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6266 spectacular, no?
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6686 my eagle friend came for a visit today
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6817-2 portrait of the American eagle #1
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6818 portrait of the American eagle #2
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6713 hey you
DoctoredbyNancy: IMG_6753-2 eye see you