rowan545: Diorite nose from Nippur
rowan545: Sumerian Statuette
rowan545: SUMER RELIEF 5TH-2ND MILL.BCE Fragment of a large cylinder seal;top-bull,center a draped figure (Goddess Inanna?) offering a libation. H-6 cm AO 6620 Louvre
rowan545: sumer-kingoflagasha_019
rowan545: Sumer.seal5 “The Lydians” writes Pausanias (lib. I. 35. 7) “tell that Geryon, Chrysaor’s son, lived near the torrent called Oceanos potamos and that there was his seat, in a mountain gap”.
rowan545: sumergodsenlil
rowan545: 08-02-08/16
rowan545: 08-02-14/17
rowan545: 08-02-14/17
rowan545: 08-02-14/36
rowan545: 08-02-10/24
rowan545: 08-05-12/ 1
rowan545: 08-02-04/ 7
rowan545: 08-02-08/14
rowan545: 08-02-08/19
rowan545: early button seal from Susa (Elamite, near Sumer)
rowan545: 73-sumer_gold
rowan545: sup_sumer_archaic
rowan545: sumer_Roaf74
rowan545: Early Dynastic Sumer earldysumer
rowan545: sumer
rowan545: Ancient-Sumerian-Gilgamesh-Ishtar
rowan545: Ancient_Sumerian_Terracotta_Goddess
rowan545: sumeritem-103a-sm
rowan545: sumerianlibationsceneUntitled
rowan545: sumerearlydynasticUntitled
rowan545: sumersealUntitled
rowan545: sumerhb49_25a
rowan545: sumerd34e1fe29c092941ffff833dffffe415
rowan545: sumerthis3