frank.king2014: Iceland Gull , choppy seas, Torbay
frank.king2014: Black Guillemot, Iceland Gull , Torbay
frank.king2014: Black Guillemot , Torbay
frank.king2014: Greater Scaup , Torbay
frank.king2014: Ocean waves, Red Head , Flatrock
frank.king2014: Herring Gull, Ocean waves , Flatrock
frank.king2014: Helicopter landing pad, lighthouse , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Ocean waves , ocean spray, Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Great Cormorant , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Adult Bald Eagles on top of a small island , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Red-breasted Merganser , female, Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Red-breasted Merganser , male and female, Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Iceberg , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Iceberg , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Iceberg , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Biscan Cove Path, East Coast Trails, Pouch Cove 7.9km , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Black-capped Chickadee , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Black-capped Chickadee , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Boreal Chickadee , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Boreal Chickadee , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Dark-eyed Junco , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: icy road, Snow , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Golden-crowned Kinglet , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Golden-crowned Kinglet , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Golden-crowned Kinglet , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Golden-crowned Kinglet , Cape St. Francis
frank.king2014: Great Black-backed Gull, slob ice , Pouch Cove