em_pie: this is what i WANTED to take...
em_pie: the boys
em_pie: sixcups
em_pie: arrival of oscar!
em_pie: four cheese please!
em_pie: yum yum
em_pie: heathrow eats
em_pie: waiting for a connection
em_pie: free wifi
em_pie: osaka airport
em_pie: osaka
em_pie: view of osaka from the airport
em_pie: oscar spied on me...
em_pie: this is where oscar is
em_pie: this is where emily is
em_pie: here is japan
em_pie: oscar can read
em_pie: going to japan 024
em_pie: oscar avec le travel chapeau et scarf
em_pie: they like my blood...
em_pie: the insects here are HUGE
em_pie: pretty fukuoka
em_pie: kira kira
em_pie: sun going down
em_pie: agga-chan
em_pie: Bartoszk
em_pie: sandy toes
em_pie: sunset
em_pie: sunset on the beach
em_pie: what big eyes you have...