WestieDancer: Madagascar Wagtail (Motacilla flaviventris)Endemic
WestieDancer: Madagascar Red Fody (Foudia madagascariensis)Endemic
WestieDancer: Malagasy white-eye (Zosterops maderaspatanus)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Red Fody (Foudia madagascariensis)Endemic female
WestieDancer: Malagasy Bulbul (Hypsipetes madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Around the Hotel
WestieDancer: Common Myna or Indian Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
WestieDancer: Malagasy Bulbul (Hypsipetes madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Radiated Tortoise (Astrochelys radiata)Endemic
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: In and around the Hotel
WestieDancer: Madagascar Red Fody (Foudia madagascariensis)Endemic
WestieDancer: Madagascar Magpie-robin (Copsychus albospecularis)Endemic
WestieDancer: Madagascar Nightjar (Caprimulgus madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Nightjar (Caprimulgus madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Nightjar (Caprimulgus madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Nightjar (Caprimulgus madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Plated Llizard (Zonosaurus madagascariensis)
WestieDancer: Madagascar Plated Llizard (Zonosaurus madagascariensis)