margaret.westrop: A butterfly drinking
margaret.westrop: Orange and black butterfly
margaret.westrop: Butterfly in the mud
margaret.westrop: Insects mating
margaret.westrop: A little bug
margaret.westrop: Acacia polyacantha flowers with a tiny beetle.
margaret.westrop: Butterfly
margaret.westrop: Colours and the caterpillar
margaret.westrop: Antanartia hippomene, the short-tailed Admiral.
margaret.westrop: A colourful beetle
margaret.westrop: Butterfly - Acraea zetes
margaret.westrop: Insect needs ID
margaret.westrop: Wild flowers and a bumble bee
margaret.westrop: A big bumble bee
margaret.westrop: Colourful
margaret.westrop: An insect close up
margaret.westrop: Acraea butterfly at Luwawa
margaret.westrop: A beetle with attitude,
margaret.westrop: Orange and black beetle
margaret.westrop: A big spiders web.
margaret.westrop: Golden orb spider in Lilongwe
margaret.westrop: Spiders web in the frost
margaret.westrop: A swarm of bees
margaret.westrop: Webs of the Golden Orb spider
margaret.westrop: A swarm of African bees
margaret.westrop: My Bumble Bee
margaret.westrop: A swam of bees
margaret.westrop: Patterns of a web