margaret.westrop: Triple Tee
margaret.westrop: Chance and Illy, the gentle giants
margaret.westrop: It's an Illusion
margaret.westrop: Monty and Tapestry play fighting
margaret.westrop: Anne taking a ride out
margaret.westrop: Making friends
margaret.westrop: A new friend
margaret.westrop: A little fellow on a big horse
margaret.westrop: Mare and foal
margaret.westrop: Resting with Mum
margaret.westrop: River Cat enjoying his freedom
margaret.westrop: River Cat cantering
margaret.westrop: Beautiful Chance
margaret.westrop: Chance cantering
margaret.westrop: Catherine and Illusion
margaret.westrop: Chocoholic
margaret.westrop: Happy horses
margaret.westrop: The Friesian horses
margaret.westrop: Monty and Zara's first wedding
margaret.westrop: On the top of the mountain
margaret.westrop: Plateau Stables horses after a ride out.
margaret.westrop: The big girl
margaret.westrop: Anne's favourite Cat
margaret.westrop: The horse for you
margaret.westrop: The boys and their horse.
margaret.westrop: An enjoyable ride
margaret.westrop: Montego before the wedding.