IanAWood: Wood Anemone
IanAWood: Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa)
IanAWood: The hill is carpeted with Bluebells
IanAWood: Pathway into the wood
IanAWood: Bluebells in Old Park Wood
IanAWood: 000038480008
IanAWood: Carpet of bluebells
IanAWood: Still patches for growth next year
IanAWood: Spreading beech trees
IanAWood: Pathway through the flowers
IanAWood: 000038650004
IanAWood: The Bluebells carry on spreading
IanAWood: Bluebells have almost finished flowering here
IanAWood: Bluebells shaded by the spreading leaves
IanAWood: Open to the sunshine
IanAWood: Large clump of Lesser Celandine