roelivtil: Padden en kikkers /Toads and frogs
roelivtil: Egg-ceptional
roelivtil: Dirty ducks
roelivtil: Huidhonger / Hungry skin
roelivtil: Schotse Hooglander / The Highland
roelivtil: Achter ons huis / Caring
roelivtil: Achter ons huis / Happy (2)
roelivtil: Mother and child
roelivtil: Stuffed toy
roelivtil: Do you like my earrings?
roelivtil: De wereld ontdekken / Discovering the world
roelivtil: Border terriër
roelivtil: Eyes like hearts
roelivtil: Upside down
roelivtil: De nieuwe mode / New fashion
roelivtil: A rainy day in Amersfoort Zoo
roelivtil: Moeder en jong
roelivtil: Crazy Tuesday? Never heard of it, but I do want to pose.
roelivtil: Boliviaan
roelivtil: Hunaman langoer
roelivtil: Tegenlicht / Backlit
roelivtil: I have time... to find my way out
roelivtil: Damherten / Fallow deer
roelivtil: Wilde eend/ Mallard (female)
roelivtil: Winterjas / Winter jacket
roelivtil: Padden met eisnoeren/ Toads with eggs
roelivtil: Eitjes / Eggs
roelivtil: Can you read it? Woodlouse is trying.
roelivtil: Schaap met pijlkruidkers / Sheep with flower
roelivtil: Wonderful white snails