roelivtil: Three of a kind
roelivtil: Autumn impression (2)
roelivtil: Dewdrops (2)
roelivtil: Waiting to warm
roelivtil: Spaanse brem/Spanish broom
roelivtil: Meidoorn bloeit/Hawthorn is blooming
roelivtil: Happiness
roelivtil: Genieten/ Enjoying
roelivtil: Warming in the sun
roelivtil: Hello new year, I'm coming
roelivtil: Spin op de hei/Spider in the Heath
roelivtil: Sierpeer verliest zijn blad/Leaves of the Callery pear
roelivtil: Hazenpootje/Harefoot Mushroom
roelivtil: Bokeh in black&white
roelivtil: Westelijk marmerwitje/Western dappled white
roelivtil: Paddenstoel/Mushroom
roelivtil: Langs de sloot/Along the ditch
roelivtil: Geweldige details/Amazing details
roelivtil: Queen Anne's Lace (2)
roelivtil: In het paars/Purple fritillary and flowers
roelivtil: Meditiraine bloem/Flower from Balkan
roelivtil: Relax
roelivtil: In het gras/Into the grass
roelivtil: To jump or not to jump, that's the question.
roelivtil: Ik zeg niks/My lips are sealed
roelivtil: Paarden/Horses (2)
roelivtil: Feestje/Party(2)
roelivtil: Staartblauwtje/Short-tailed Blue (Cupido argiades)
roelivtil: Orange Textile
roelivtil: Aardbeikikker/Blue Jeans Dart Frog