roelivtil: Dauwdiamanten/Dew Diamonds are not for ever
roelivtil: Kunstweb/Artweb
roelivtil: Dauwdruppelfeest/Party of dewdrops
roelivtil: Boterbloem/Buttercup
roelivtil: Bruine vuurvlinder/Sooty Copper (Lycaena tityrus)
roelivtil: Spin in zijn web/Spider in his web
roelivtil: A little light
roelivtil: Vorst en zon, de krokus houdt stand/Frost and sunshine the crocus holds
roelivtil: Imperfection
roelivtil: Sunshine
roelivtil: Distel/Thistle
roelivtil: Spin tussen paardenstaart/Spider between horse tail
roelivtil: Dew in low-key
roelivtil: Feestje/Celebration
roelivtil: Spider and fly enjoying sunshine
roelivtil: In the grass: dew and one daisy
roelivtil: Verstopt onder het web/Hidden
roelivtil: Dauwfeestje/Dew party
roelivtil: Hanging around in the morning
roelivtil: Damaged web
roelivtil: Spin in web / Spider in webcob
roelivtil: Bokehlicious
roelivtil: 20190914-20190914-DSC_1549
roelivtil: Shining
roelivtil: Magisch licht / Magic light
roelivtil: Feestje / Party
roelivtil: Dauwdruppels in het gras / Dewdrops in the grass
roelivtil: Strekspinnetje
roelivtil: Round and round