roelivtil: Guldenroede/Goldenrods
roelivtil: Zomergevoel/Summerfeeling
roelivtil: Kaardebol/Wild Teasel
roelivtil: Rood en groen/Red and green
roelivtil: Dewdrops
roelivtil: Full color
roelivtil: Look up to the sky and see
roelivtil: Look up to the sky (4)
roelivtil: Sierpeer verliest zijn blad/Leaves of the Callery pear
roelivtil: Herfst/Autumn
roelivtil: Happy together
roelivtil: Spooky fingers out of the dark (Theme Halloween MM)
roelivtil: Softness with lens baby sweet 50
roelivtil: Bosgeheimen/Forest secrets
roelivtil: Mineergang/Autumn leaves
roelivtil: Dansende bomen/Swinging beams
roelivtil: Hazenpootjes/Harefoot Mushrooms
roelivtil: Hazenpootje/Harefoot mushroom
roelivtil: Herfstimpressie/Autumn impression
roelivtil: Beauty for one day
roelivtil: Look up to the sky (3)
roelivtil: Mushroom art
roelivtil: Swinging in the forest
roelivtil: Zomergevoel/Summerfeeling
roelivtil: Snow on sedum
roelivtil: Flora in B&W
roelivtil: #LessThanAnInch Theme Macro Monday
roelivtil: Long beard
roelivtil: White happiness
roelivtil: White happiness (3)